Curse of the Werewolfby Shamus Blue
I was so skeered but I couldent take mine eyes offa dis creature. I tried to stay crouched down low so it wouldn't see me . It came to da front door and clawed and banged, da door shook and I was sure it was gonna come open any minute, I ran to wake meowmie up, but her were sleeping way to soundly. Now this wolf thing was looking in all da windows, and trying to bweak da glass. I jumped up in da living room window and was face to face wiff it. Its mouth was as big as me, and it had long sharp teeth, unlike any wolf I habe seen on da television.I hissed and spit and ran back to meowmeies bed and jumped right on her face, dis time her woked up.
I said "meowmie deres a monster in our yard, it's trying to get in da house and eat us all up fur a midnight snack." Meowmie ran to da window just in time to see it running off back into da woods. I could tell dat meowemie was skeered too, she turned on all da out door lights and mwe stayed up da rest of da night snugling wiff each other.
I hope no other kitty ever has to see dis wolf thing up close and purrsonal.
My favorite monster moovie is, The curse of the Werewolf 1961
Starring.... Directed by......Terence Fisher The story In spain, Leon is born on Christmas day. His mother dies giving birth and he is raised by Don Alfredo. As a child Leon becomes a werewolf after being taken on a hunting jaunt. As a young man, he works in a wine celler and falls in love with the owners daughter Cristina. On a full moon, he again turns into a werewolf and terrifies the town. The Original theatrical release was on June, 7th 1961 and it runs 91 minutes.