Piranhaby Selkie Sue
Dere once was a beautiful bicolor cat with red ears and tail who also just happened to be a selkie. Mew all know what a selkie is now, don't mew? Dis is a faerie who appears as both a seal and a hoomin, da story is on mine site. Da point is dat selkies know all about water and da things dat live in water cuz dey live part of dere lives as seals. Now dis beautiful cat wiff da red ears and tail lived wiff people who liked to fish and brought home fish in a bucket to eat for dere supper. One day dey brought home a bucket of very strange fish wiff little sharp teeth. The master of the house said he wouldn't eat dese fish, dat he was going to keep dem in a big tank cuz dey was special fish. He left dem in his bucket and went out to buy da tank but before he left he told the selkie-cat to leave dem alone. "Dose fishies will eat mew if mew mess wiff dem!" he told her. Da selkie-cat watched the fish swim around and around and she considered what to do. "What's so special about dese fish?" she purred. About dat time a kitchen bug fell into da bucket and da fish went thrash, thrash and ate it up. While she watched an ant and a cricket also fell in the water. Thrash, thrash, the fish ate dem up. "Well, well," said da selkie-cat, "We shall see." Wiff dat, she sat down beside da bucket and held her beautiful red tail over da bucket. Da fish smiled, "We will eat mew, little selkie-cat!" dey said. She just smiled too. She held her tail just out of dere reach and den she acted like she had gone to sleep and let her tail droop lower and lower. Da fishies grinned bigger and waited. Suddenly-----SNAP! Da fishies sharp little teeth closed just on da tip of da selkie-cat's tail! Quicker dan lightening she yanked her tail up, flipped around and using her long, sharp claws, she gotted dose fish good! When da master of da house came home, da selkie-cat wuz waiting for him. He immediately got lost in her big, glowing, gold eyes and before mew know it, he said, "Now where's dose fishies I wuz gonna eat for dinner?" When he looked around he saw a whole plate of lovely fish filets sitting on da counter. "Dere dey are," he said and pulled out his frying pan. Its certainly true dat piranha fish can be deadly and eat all sorts of things up but dey may just find out dat dey will get eaten iffen dey tangle wiff da selkie-cat!