Return of the Mummyby Firefly Faerie
Finally I decided to take a nap before bedtime under Meowmie's bed where its nice and dark. I had just fallen asleep when I heard da doorbell again. I ignored it cuz I knew dey couldn't get me under da bed but den, I felt a cold breeze and all da hair rose on my back and neck! Something was under da bed wiff me! I could barely see it but den it turned and looked at me!!!! Two big glowing eyes and it was wrapped in layers of white rags! Da Mummy Cat!!!! I hissed and spit and den run out from under da bed screaming, "Da Mummy's under Meowmie's bed! Da Mummy's under Meowmie's bed!" I ran to get away and fell over a body, so I jumped all four feet offa da ground, but when I came down, I saw da body was only mine brofur, Shamus, who was stuffing his tail in his mouf and laughing! "Shamus, what's wrong wiff mew! Run! Dere's a Mummy cat under Meowmie's bed!" I shreiked at him. He just laughed harder. About dat time mine sisfur, Selkie, stuck her haid out from under da bed. She had toilet paper wrapped around her where she had been playing in da bathroom. "Where? Where's da Mummy cat?" she cried. Shamus just laughed! Okay, okay, now I know dere's no Mummy Cat under da bed, only mine sisfur, Selkie, wrapped in toilet paper but it couldda been! Watch out for Mummuy Cats if mew know what's good for mew!