Henry Von Tudor, True Furriend to All

I iz furry sad dat Henry haz gone to duh Rainbow Bridge.

Henry, founder and Grand Master of the Back Fence Cat Club, co-founder of Brofur Clubs, co-architect of Paddy's Pub, and invaluable consultant in founding tomzrule®, was a good furriend to all who knew him. His warm loving spirit reflected the best that is in all felines.

Farewell, Henry, thank you for touching our lives with cheerfulness, loyalty, and lovingkindness. You live in the hearts of us all.

Nosey Parker

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Oh mew, I am so sad that Henry Von Tudor has crossed the Bridge. I shall miss his humor, bright cheerful spirit and warmth. We have lost a wonderful friend; the Angels have gained one.

Farewell brave Henry, keep the flag flying for Tomz across the Bridge.

Buddee Gill

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A Modest Tribute to our mentor by The Wicked Twins.

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I am so sorry that Henry Von Tudor has crossed the rainbow bridge. Please remember you have an orange tabby thinking of you.


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Mewsss Henry,

I is gonna miss mew furry much. Dere is no offur tom dat cud bees Henrietta wen I bees Keekella. I ges da hite of our maskerade wuz wearing doze bazeers at da big ballsgame wiff Bitsy's Whackers. I hopes mew and Bitsy is getting along togetfur up dere at Rainbow Bridge. Mew is a oneofakind tom!!

Luff, KeeKee

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Tributes Around the 'Net

Angel Henry page at Back Fence Cat Club.  Enter BFCC.

ClydeSight2.0 Memorial to Henry Von Tudor.

Memorial by his good furriend Queen Elizabeth II.

To add your comment, graphic, or a link for another memorial page, email wickedtwins@hotmail.com.

Bridge Home tomzrule home

Henry's memorial graphic courtesy ClydeSight2.0!.
Elysium background courtesy Fantasyland Graphics.
Solid backgrounds courtesy Backgrounds by Marie.
Rainbow Bridge graphics, bars, and buttons courtesy Catstuff.

Thanks for visiting The Tao of Meow
Especially commissioned for Tao of Meow!
The opening sequence of the "Al Dente" Movement from Clyde's Harp Concerto arranged by Lady Gertrude Dainty Paws.
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