Come on in, kitties! We, The Wicked Twins, along with our sisfur Hadarah, Empress of All, and our dear Winks welcome you to our Halloween pages.
Q: What's the difference between a monster's tummy and a trick-or-treat bag? A: You can fill up the bag! Knock, knock! Who's there? Ivan. Ivan who? Ivan to bite your neck! Q: Why did the pumpkin wear a football helmet? A: Because it was a jock-o'-lantern! Knock, knock! Who's there? Terry. Terry who? Terry things happen on Halloween!
Knock, knock! Who's there? Ivan. Ivan who? Ivan to bite your neck!
Q: Why did the pumpkin wear a football helmet? A: Because it was a jock-o'-lantern!
Knock, knock! Who's there? Terry. Terry who? Terry things happen on Halloween!
HADARAH: Oh dear. Purrhaps the most frightening part of the holiday is wondering whether you can survive these jokes.
After all the suffering you're undergoing, purrleeze have some mulled 'nipz cider. It might take the edge off the mental anguish.
DWNN: Myown jokes are much punnier *mewhaha*
Witch l: "How do you manage to stay in shape?" Witch 2: "I get a lot of hexercise." Knock, knock! Who's there? Trish. Trish who? Trish-or-treat! Did you hear about the ghost who went on safari? He was a big-game haunter! Knock, knock! Who's there? Fran. Fran who? Fran-tom of the Opera!
Knock, knock! Who's there? Trish. Trish who? Trish-or-treat!
Did you hear about the ghost who went on safari? He was a big-game haunter!
Knock, knock! Who's there? Fran. Fran who? Fran-tom of the Opera!
DWNN: This Halloween I'd like to be weird and bizarre. TALIESIN: That's easy. Just be yourself!