Meet the Imposters

Nosey Parker, erstwhile owner of tomzrule®, was processing memfurship applications in the normal manner when several photos caught his eye.

What was it about these applicants that made him suspicious?

The imposters

He immediately called upon the expertise of Da Agency. Interviews were set up as ace cattectives tried to determine whether these "tomz" were real. It was to no avail, and chromosome tests were required. None of the four purrsued memfurship application beyond that point.

Nosey Parker came to the conclusion that the four were none other than Queen Bitsy, Freya, PepperMille La Purr, and Elizabeth QE2! They denied it, of course. Two of these miscreants, Bitsy/Buttsy and PepperMille/Dirk, no longer are on the cat infurnet, but all tomz are urged to be on the alert for trixy behavior by the other two.


Queen Elizabeth QE2



Le Fox

Le Fox



Both Elizabeth and Freya insist they are innocent of any attempt to join tomzrule® privut boyz klubb under false identities. Do you believe them?

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