Dwnn Brings Bad Mews

The Wicked Twins at Paddy's Pub

Taliesin:     What's going on? Why'd yew drag me out of Paddy's?

Dwnn:     This is no time fur drinking yewrseff under duh table. Dere's an emergency, yew nipzhead! Hadarah has moved into the Chronicle office and sez she's gonna run the mewspaper! Dat's what's going on!

Taliesin:     Whuuuuut! Sheez getting bossier dan evfur! Yew know what I think about that pestiferous sisfur of ours!

Dwnn:     Aw, come on. This is no time fur yewr crazy notions.

Taliesin:     ITZ NOT CRAZY!

PSST - This is what Taliesin thinks about his sisfur Hadarah:
Hadarah as Space Alien

He says he saw this photo on a PBS special about the Mars Probe.

Dwnn:     No time to discuss that. We gotta get dere before she paints our office pink and puts doilies on the furniture.
