Ah'm getting tired, Brofurs Dearests ... are we there yet?

Er, hmmmm. Can't be much longer now. We turn right at the hollow tree and go past the swamp.

No, it's left at the hollow tree, and we don't go past the swamp; we take the rope bridge across.


We already went past the swamp!

We're losted. You stupid tomz; you got us losted! Better cell phone Meowmie fur directions. This place is creeping me out!

Don't start that gurlie stuff. Troo tomz never ask fur directions!

Look, it's the Haunted House! That's where we're going.

Knock on the door, Hadarah.

Oh sure.   You don't mind wandering around all night acting all macho, but when it comes to knocking on Haunted House doors, you send your little sisfur. Wussy, wussy, wuss.

Okay, Ah'll knock. You brave, brave tomz just hide behind lil ole me!

Knock! Knock!