Catfurnet's premier purrblication of mews & mischief June-September 2014

We're Baaack!

Editor Hadarah After years of silence, the Caterwaul Chronicle is back with every intention of continuing to encourage mischief and mayhem by its readers.

Dereliction of their purrblishing duty by my rowdy brofurs, The Wicked Twins, has convinced me that is is my duty to assume leadership. Caturally, Ah have many plans for this purrblication such as . . . .


Bossy Sisfur, Beware!

Dwnn takes over klubb Whoa, Nelly! Or better — Woe, Hadarah! I own the Chronicle!

Was it fur this dagblasted mews that I left my poker game when I was building a straight? NO! NO! NO!

This will not stand! I'm contacting Taliesin at once. Dat pestiferous sisfur won't get away with this latest example of prissifed pompousnesss.

Wicked Twins Make Plans

Relax and Play

Cats playing poker Do a jigsaw puzzle, play Hangman or Concentration. Test your IQ.

But howevfur hard he tries to purrsuade you, do not, repeat, NOT, play poker with Dwnn. With Dwnn, poker is not a game of chance.

Games Room

Brag About Branz

Copy graphic (these two are the only one ones on this site that are free for copying) to your hard drive, and post it on your web page with a link back to so everyone knows you are a kitty not to be messed with.

Too rambunctious to boss around and much too smart to train into submission!

I Read Caterwaul Chronicle logo
Caterwaul Chronicle banner

These graphics are part of a set from our favorite shopping place:

Diabella custom sets graphic
Feline Academy Opens

HQ for Nine Lives of Learning Academy
Make your lives more exciting with classes — and NO exams!

Caterwaul Chronicle announces the opening of Nine Lives of Learning with classes on birds, monster hunting, etc. Visit the exercise class and keep fit so you can jump on counters and eat the chicken. It's opening day, and you're invited.

The Academy

Celebrations Galore

Wicked Twins in party hats Nine lives is simply not enough time fur partying! Naps are impurrtant, but celebrations always are a priority.

The Wicked Twins invite you to join them and celebrate some holidays during the period covered by this issue of The Caterwaul Chronicle.

Flag Day – June 14

Independence Day – July 4

Dog Days of August

The fun-loving felines at The Tyger's Den invite you join their summer fun:

4th of July Pajama Party

Beach Party

The Cats of Mrraoworks invite you to join them at the

Purring Paws Beach Party

(Pee Ess: Send us the addy of any holiday pages on your site so we can invite evfurrycat to visit.)


Thanks, Hoomin Beans

Cat With Can Opener We are forced to admit that we cannot do evfurrything fur ourselves. Let us show our apurrciation with more than head bonks. Does your hoomin bean sneak in some time from adoring and obeying you to work on a web page that's about hoomin stuff? Then send us that link (, and we'll add it here.

Also included are some links to pages about cat health, safety, and welfare.

Our Purrents & Cat Welfare

Don't Miss the Fun!

BFCC logo logo The Wicked Twins and Hadarah have been memfurs of the Back Fence Cat Club for years. The monthly purrblicaton has lots of good stuff that no kitty should miss.

Visit BFCC

Email the Editor

About Caterwaul Chronicle
Caterwaul Chronicle is owned by Dwnn, of The Wicked Twins.
Purrblishers are The Wicked Twins, Dwnn and Taliesin. Editor-in-Chief is Hadarah, Empress of All.

Contents Copyright © 2003-2014 by its creators. All rights reserved.

Many of the graphics are from
Diabella logo

Advice and assistance from SassyJazmine of the BFCC is also appreciated.